The Tim Hortons vs Starbucks debate is one that’s raged on for some time. Caffeine fiends across Canada are prepared to die on a hill defending either brand – and at CasinoStake it’s a debate that rages on too!
Now is finally the time to find out who are Canada’s biggest coffee drinkers, by pitting two of the biggest brands, Tim Hortons and Starbucks coffee, against each other!
Canada’s Biggest Coffee Drinkers
Who needs the most coffee to tackle their day?
According to our survey of coffee-drinking Canadians across various ages and provinces, there appears to be a growing trend among the younger generations. Gen Z – born between 1997 and 2012 – doesn’t drink anywhere near as much coffee as their elders.

In fact, just over half (53%) of Gen Z respondents said they only had one cup of coffee daily. That’s compared with the 42% of Generation X respondents – born between 1965 and 1980 – who drink two cups of coffee daily.
While Gen Z appears to be increasingly less reliant on caffeine to start their day, baby boomers may be at risk of being over-reliant on caffeine. While more than a third (36%) of baby boomers surveyed drink two cups of coffee daily, more than a quarter (28%) need a third cup of coffee a day to keep going. That’s compared with just 9% of Gen Z respondents who consume three coffees daily.
Looking at it from a local perspective, citizens of Edmonton appear to drink the least amount of
coffee per day, with an average of 1.48 cups consumed. At the other end of the spectrum, the people of Kitchener drink 1.82 cups of coffee daily, on average.
There’s also the gender angle to consider. More than one-in-ten (13%) of men surveyed said they drink at least three cups of coffee daily, compared with just 8% of females who consume this much caffeine in a single day.
In the workplace, males are also more likely to consume coffee when they’re in the office. More than a quarter (27%) said they drink more caffeine in the workplace, compared with a fifth (22%) of female office workers who crave caffeine at their desks.
Canadians Spending the Most on Coffee
No expense is spared in these cities
When it comes to choosing Tim Hortons or Starbucks, females seem to be the target market for Tim Hortons coffee. More than a third (35%) of women surveyed said they were most likely to purchase coffee here. That’s followed by Starbucks (25%), local independents (18%) and coffee made at home (13%).
Tim Hortons coffee appears to have a greater hit of caffeine – the team at CasinoStake definitely rely on their Double Double! A large original blend coffee here consists of 270 mg of caffeine. A comparable grande Starbucks Americano consists of 225 mg of caffeine.

In terms of brand loyalty, older Canadians are more likely to be loyal to coffee brands like Starbucks and Tim Hortons. Meanwhile, millennial and Gen Z respondents said they preferred to buy from local, independent coffee shops. 60% of millennials and 24% of Gen Z people said they purchased from independents.
Which Canadian city spends the most on coffee each week?
Residents of Ottawa spend upwards of $10 a week on coffee. At the other end of the spectrum, the people of Montreal spend just $7 a week on takeaway coffees.
This research into the ongoing Starbucks vs Tim Hortons debate is based on a survey carried out on May 14, 2024 via Prolific. We surveyed over 1,000 people across Canada, quizzing a broad spectrum of people across age ranges, genders, occupations, cities, and provinces.
All of which has enabled us to determine Canadians’ tendencies toward Tim Hortons and Starbucks.